Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Real-time Flex messaging with AmFast

This example is very similar to the previous, but we're going to use AmFast's HTTP streaming channel to implement real-time flex messaging. Get the complete example code here.

First let's setup the Producer and Consumer in Actionscript.

// Configure the ChannelSet that
// messages will be sent and received over.
import mx.messaging.ChannelSet;

// To use HTTP streaming, the
// StreamingAMFChannel class must be used.
import mx.messaging.channels.StreamingAMFChannel;
var channelSet:ChannelSet = new ChannelSet();
var channel:StreamingAMFChannel = new StreamingAMFChannel("channel-name", "server-url");

// Setup a Consumer to receive messages.
import mx.messaging.Consumer;
var consumer:Consumer = new Consumer();

// The consumer's destination is the 'topic'
// name that the consumer will be subscribed to.
// The consumer will receive all messages
// published to the topic.
consumer.destination = "topic";

// Use the ChannelSet that was already created.
consumer.channelSet = channelSet;

// This event listener will be called whenever
// the consumer receives a message from the server.
consumer.addEventListener(MessageEvent.MESSAGE, newMsgHandler);

// The consumer won't start receiving messages
// until it is subscribed.

// Setup a Producer to publish messages.
import mx.messaging.Producer;
var producer:Producer = new Producer();
producer.destination = "topic";
producer.channelSet = channelSet;

// Create an Async message and send it
// to all other clients subscribed to the topic.
import mx.messaging.messages.AsyncMessage;
var msg:AsyncMessage = new AsynMessage();

// Set the message's body attribute to the
// object that is going to be published.
// In this case the object contains
// the X and Y coordinates of a Sprite.
msg.body = {'x': 10, 'y': 10};

Next we'll setup the server.

# Create a ChannelSet to serve messages.
from import ChannelSet
from amfast.remoting.wsgi_channel import StreamingWsgiChannel
channel_set = ChannelSet()

# Each individual ChannelSet can use
# one or more Channels. When messages
# are published through the ChannelSet,
# they will be published to all subscribed clients,
# regardless of which Channel the clients
# are connected through.

# Create a HTTP streaming channel.
# When a client connects to a streaming channel,
# the HTTP connection remains open until the client
# disconnects. When messages are published,
# they are immediately dispatched to clients connected
# to HTTP streaming channels.
stream_channel = StreamingWsgiChannel('stream-channel')

# WsgiChannels objects are wsgi applications
# that can be served with any Wsgi server.
# CherryPy is being used in this example.
cherrypy.tree.graft(stream_channel, '/amf')

# Start the server.
# App() is your root controller class
# for non-AMF functions.
cherrypy.quickstart(App(), '/')

# That's it, our server is up and running.
# It's that simple.

To test the example, download the full code from the repo. To run the example you'll need to install AmFast and CherryPy or Twisted 1st.

# To server the example with cherrypy

# To server the example with Twisted
twistd -noy twisted_server.tac

Open two browser windows and browse to 'http://localhost:8000'. Click the 'Subscribe' button in both windows. In the 1st window click on the 'Master' button. In the 1st window, click on the yellow circle, and drag the circle around the screen. As the circle is dragged around the screen, the position of the circle will be updated in the 2nd window. Pretty cool stuff.

1 comment:

  1. hi, is there any limit on the amount of concurrent connections per streaming channel?
